Alchemy (3): | --Alchemical Lore: 30% | --Harvest Potion Ingredients: 28% | --Identify Potion: 30% | --Make Familiar Potion: 25% | --Make Unfamiliar Potion: -25% | Body Speak (2): | --Skill Bonus: 24% | Brawling (5): | --Attacks: 2 per round | --Damage: 1d4+2 | --Strike Chance: 76% | Cantrips (3): | --Clean: Self only in 8 rounds | --Cool: 6 degrees for 3 minutes, self only | --Dry: Self only in 8 rounds | --Firefinger: 2 feet for 2 rounds | --Hair Growth: .75 inches | --Insect Repellent: 1 hours, self only | --Shout: 1.6x volume for 3 rounds, self only | --Soft Light: 8 ft dia. light lasting 60 mins | --Spice: 3 servings | --Warm: 6 degrees for 3 minutes, self only | Climbing (2): | --Climb Cliff: 18% | --Climb Rope: 41% | --Climb Tree: 31% | --Climbing Techniques: 25% | Hit Points (7): (No tasks) | Infravision (1): | --Classify: 8% | --Range: 62 ft |
| Maneuver in Armor (6): (No tasks) | Master Swordsman (4): (No tasks) | Monster Lore (4): | --Common Monster: 45% | --Rare Monster: 25% | --Recognize Monster Noise: 23% | --Uncommon Monster: 35% | --Very Rare Monster: 15% | Power Perception (4): | --Assense Attunement: 26% | --Bonus: 24% | --Duration: 4 minutes | --Open Magical Lock: -11% | --Range: 12 feet | --Remove Magical Trap: -7% | --Understand Magical Trap: -13% | Range of Field (7): | --Bonus: 14 vs. outnumbering |
| Shield Large (7): (No tasks) | Sleep and Charm Resistance (1): | --Immunity Roll: 76% | Sorcery (6): | --Roll: 36% | --Sorcery Pool: 17 points | Spell Energy (7): | --Spell Points: 15 points | Spell Memory (5): | --Learn Spell: Spell Mult/45 hours to learn | --Learn Spell: 70% chance | --Max Spells in Memory: 13 spells | Weapon Bow (4): (No tasks) | Weapon Long Sword (7): (No tasks) | Weapon Mace (3): (No tasks) |
| Language Brodignagian (1): (No tasks) | Language Drow (1): (No tasks) | Language Orcish (1): (No tasks) | Magic Language - Elementia (7): | --Knowledge of Spells: 50% | --Read GK Scroll: 61% | --Read SK Scroll: 47% | --Recognize Spell: 46% | Magic Language - Sorcery (3): | --Knowledge of Spells: 30% | --Read GK Scroll: 33% | --Read SK Scroll: 27% | --Recognize Spell: 26% |