All Hafted Weapons (6): | --Make Club: 42% | All Pole Arms (3): (No tasks) | All Swords (11): (No tasks) | Armor Lore (4): | --Armor Knowledge: 38% | Artillery (5): | --Ballista: SC: 84%, Dmg: 3d6+6 | --Catapult: SC: 74%, Dmg: 3d8+6 | Brawling (3): | --Attacks: 2 per round | --Damage: 1d4+2 | --Strike Chance: 72% | Cantrips (5): | --Clean: Self only in 6 rounds | --Cool: 10 degrees for 5 minutes, self only | --Dry: Self only in 6 rounds | --Firefinger: 3 feet for 3 rounds | --Hair Growth: 1.25 inches | --Insect Repellent: 1.7 hours, self only | --Mend: Rips less than 10 hours old, self only | --Shout: 2x volume for 5 rounds, self only | --Soft Light: 10 ft dia. light lasting 100 mins | --Spice: 5 servings | --Warm: 10 degrees for 5 minutes, self only | Diving (2): | --High Dive Height: 55 ft | --High Dive Roll: 22% | --Hold Breath: 10.6/11.4 minutes | --Max Safe Depth: 68 feet | --Stay Afloat: 22 hrs | --Subsurface TMR: 16 | --Surface TMR: 21 | Hit Points (11): (No tasks) |
| Mage E&E General Knowledge (10): (No tasks) | Mage E&E Special Knowledge (10): (No tasks) | Magic Lore (4): | --Skill Roll: 38% | Maneuver in Armor (6): (No tasks) | Master Swordsman (11): (No tasks) | Mercenary Lore (4): | --Lore Roll: 38% | Monster Lore (4): | --Common Monster: 48% | --Rare Monster: 28% | --Recognize Monster Noise: 20% | --Uncommon Monster: 38% | --Very Rare Monster: 18% | Power Perception (3): | --Assense Attunement: 30% | --Bonus: 22% | --Duration: 3 minutes | --Open Magical Lock: -10% | --Range: 9 feet | --Remove Magical Trap: -4% | --Understand Magical Trap: -11% | Range of Field (11): | --Bonus: 22 vs. outnumbering |
| Shield Large (11): (No tasks) | Sorcery (5): | --Roll: 40% | --Sorcery Pool: 15 points | Spell Energy (7): | --Spell Points: 17 points | Spell Memory (6): | --Learn Spell: Spell Mult/45 hours to learn | --Learn Spell: 70% chance | --Max Spells in Memory: 15 spells | Strong Lungs (9): | --Hold Breath: Included in Swimming/Diving skill | Survival (2): | --Construct Shelter: 25% | --Environmental Endurance: 25% | --Forage: 19% | --Improvise: 25% | --Start Fire: 28% | --Survival Knowledge: 28% | Undead Lore (5): | --Skill Roll: 43% | Weapon Lore (4): | --Weapon Knowledge: 38% | Woodcraft (2): | --Find Secret Door: 6% | --Make Wooden Sculpture: 10% | --Notice Secret Door: 2% | --Repair Wooden Object: 25% | --Woodcraft Knowledge: 28% |
| Area Lore - Archeron (3): (No tasks) | Area Lore - Spelljammer (7): | --Lore Roll: 53% | Cultural Lore - Spelljammer (5): | --Lore Roll: 43% | Language Drow (3): (No tasks) | Magic Language - Sorcery (11): | --Knowledge of Spells: 73% | --Read GK Scroll: 93% | --Read SK Scroll: 71% | --Recognize Spell: 66% |