Player Document
Rule Category:Player Document
Rule Name:Greyhawk - Treasure List

Treasure List

Party Treasury
  • 942 sp

Undivided Coins (Kalin)
  • PP -
  • GP - 107
  • SP - 47
  • CP -
  • Tithe: Group (ship), Barthon, Kalin, Lorcan

  • 6 doses of healing balm (2d4 base plus bonus based on skill).
  • Alchemical wagon from dead, deep gnome merchant along with 2 draft lizards.
  • Key from halfling alchemist's lockbox.
  • "Celestial" map of the Inland Sea (showing light formations on the roof that can be used to navigate).
  • Visus Invisibili: A small, rare, clear transparent mushroom with a milky substance seen throughout the bowl. It grants the person that eats the fungus the ability to see invisible creatures/objects for 4 hours. You found enough for 8 doses.

Magic Weapons
  • +3 Ice Bastard Sword (Wiley's Bracer)
  • +1 Long Sword
  • +1 Two-handed Sword
  • +1 Short Sword
  • +2 Short Sword

Magic Armor
  • +3 Ice Plate Mail (in Bag of Holding)
  • +1 Shield (LR) (x3) (in Bag of Holding)
  • +1 Leather Armor

Magic Items
  • Wand of Fire (21 charges) (Lorcan)
  • Nanorien Stone (minor) (Lorcan)
  • Dragon Flagon

  • Crystal of Healing (x7) (When mixed with a magical potion, it turns it into a Potion of Minor Healing - 2d6r1)
  • Potion of Flying (Dyson)
  • Cinnabar Eye Cusps (x5)
  • Potion of Healing (x2)
  • Potion of Spider Command (x3)
  • Potion of Climbing
  • Potion of Fire Resistance
  • Potion of Poison Resistance
  • Potion of Acid Resistance
  • Potion of Electrical Resistance
  • Vial of Drow Poison

Magical Fungi
  • Meadboon fungus - When eaten, tastes like beef - 1 mushroom equal to a full meal (x4)
  • Murdermoss - orange moss when consumed, make normal save or drop to 0 HP and fall unconscious (x2)
  • Kobold cap - if ingested, make save or roll on fear table at +20 (x3)
  • Locusti fungili - when consumed, gives mental map of environment within 3d12 yards (x7)
  • Gripa - rare mushroom. It grows among tragedy. Equivalent to potion of longevity - stops aging for 1d6+6 years.
  • Fungoleum heart -It can be used for regeneration. It has 7 charges. Can be used as a Regeneration spell 6 times. Bonus with anatomy. With success, can be used to bring someone back from the dead (requires anatomy skill). There are limits on how long they can be dead (Anatomy skill = max days dead).

  • None
  • Scroll of Rope Trick (rank 10) - Lorcan
  • Scroll from Ghost Vault 2.
  • Scroll of Bolt of Acid (Oozian - rank 12)

Followers' Treasure List

  • PP - 5
  • GP - 29
  • SP - 56
  • CP - 84

Misc Treasure
  • Spell Book: COP Missiles, COP Spells GK, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Unseen Servant, COP Undead, Magic Missile and Spectral Hand.
  • Coffer containing 16 magical Finger Bones (room 33)
  • Keys 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9
  • 4 rose quartz (200 sp each)

Magic Weapons
  • +1 Battle Axe
  • Magical Dagger from wererat room (Beni)
  • +1 Longsword (sword guy 1)
  • Magic Broad Sword (cultist)

Magic Armor
  • +1 Shield (LR)

Magic Items
  • Wand of Fire (1 property - Burning Hands for 1 charge) (Folis)
  • Pair of glasses
  • Box
  • Belt
  • Ring
  • Pouch (cultist)
  • Bracers of Tactical Blows (extra damage in battle - 4x day + 1d6r2 damage)(cultist)
  • Worn out gloves (2 out of 4) (Drogo)

Potions (Kano in magic bag)
  • One potion from torture room of cultists headquarters (Kano)
  • Potion (something strange about this one - potion went bad?) (Kano)
  • Potion of Polymorph Self (Kano)
  • Potion of Extra Healing (Lanita)
  • Potion of Healing (Kano)


  • 1 pp = 100 silver
  • 1 gp = 10 silver
  • 1 sp = 10 copper
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