Rule Category:Combat
Rule Name:Fighting Giants
Combat vs giants has its own subset of rules that cover the fact that giants are much taller than humans and many of their vital organs and hit locations are more difficult to reach.

Ranged Weapons

When using ranged weapons against giants who are at least twice the height of any allies, the "Firing Into Melee" rules are only used if the person using the ranged weapon rolls an 96 or higher to hit.

The following table lists the average height of the various player character races as well as giant humanoids.

Player Character Races
  • Gnomes - 3 feet
  • Halflings -3.5 feet
  • Dwarves - 4 feet
  • Elves - 5 feet
  • Humans - 6 feet

Giant Humanoids
  • Ogres - 9.5 feet
  • Trolls - 9.5 feet
  • Ogre Magi - 9.5 feet
  • Sea Ogre - 9.5 feet
  • Giant Troll - 12 feet
  • Hill Giant - 16 feet
  • Ettin - 17 feet
  • Cyclops - 18 feet
  • Stone Giant - 18 feet
  • Fire Giant - 18 feet
  • Frost Giant - 21 feet
  • Cloud Giant - 24 feet
  • Titan - 25 feet
  • Storm Giant - 26 feet

Add +1 to Reach based on Acrobat rank as indicated below:
  • Rank 1 to 5: +1 Reach
  • Rank 6 to 9: +2 Reach
  • Rank 10 to 12: +3 Reach
  • Rank 13 to 14: +4 Reach
  • Rank 15 to 16: +5 Reach
  • (and so on)

If the character chooses to make an Acrobatics roll, they gain an additional +1 Reach for Success and +3 for Absolute Success. However, if they roll an Absolute Failure, they stumble, lose their attack and all remaining attacks for the round. If they roll a Blunder, they also lose their weapon, which goes flying 2d6 feet away in the general direction in which they are attacking.

Your reach is equal to your height plus a number based on the weapon you are using, as indicated below:
  • Shield bash: Height + 0
  • Brawling: Height + 2
  • Small weapons and martial arts: Height + 3
  • Medium weapons: Height + 4
  • Large weapons: Height + 5
  • Pole arms: Height + 7

Small weapons include daggers and knives
Medium weapons include most standard melee weapons
Large weapons include battle axe, flail and two-handed sword
Pole arms include quarterstaff, spears, tridents, halberds, etc.

Reach Table

Refer to the Reach Table below. Use the difference between character reach and opponent height. Thus, a dwarf with a medium weapon (reach of 8) fighting an ogre (9.5 feet) would refer to the "1 to 2 feet" row below.
  • 1 to 2 feet: -5 SC, -1 Dmg (ex: dwarf fighting an ogre)
  • 3 to 5 feet: -10 SC, 25% DR (ex: dwarf fighting a giant troll)
  • 6 to 9 feet: -15 SC, 33% DR (ex: human fighting a hill giant)
  • 10 to 14 feet: -20 SC, 50% DR (ex: human fighting a frost giant)
  • 15 to 30 feet: -25 SC, 66% DR (ex: human fighting a storm giant)

Flying: Note that if the target is able to effectively melee while flying, these rules do not apply.
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