Elementals do not take damage in the normal sense. They can only be affected by magic weapons and each such attack weakens their ability to remain on the Prime Material plane. An elemental has a number of hit points equal to their monster level x 3. Each successful attack on an elemental causes an amount of damage equal to the "plus" of the weapon, minus 1. Thus, a +2 weapon causes 1 damage per hit. A +3 weapon causes 2 damage per hit. Critical hits cause double damage. Grievous hits are treated as critical hits. When an elemental reaches 0 hit points, it is banished back to its own plane of existence. Elementals do not suffer wound penalties.
Damage causing spells cause a base amount of damage equal to half the caster's rank, or half if a magic save is made.
Appropriate counterspells can return an elemental to its home plane if the elemental was summoned by a spell or ritual. It must fail a magic save (at -20 if the elemental wants to depart). If the save succeeds, the elemental takes 1d6 damage (+1 per rank of the counterspell) or half if a magic save is made. If the elemental was not summoned by a spell but by some other means (e.g., magic item), then a counterspell will not send it back but will cause damage.
If an elemental is fought on the elemental planes, they suffer damage normally. Multiply their hit points by 5 but apply damage normally. Their defense is the same but protection (PROT) is equal to monster level and lack of weakness (LOW) is equal to half PROT. Counterspells cause them no damage but damage-causing spells cause damage normally, with the following exceptions:
- Air Elementals - Immune to wind, cold, ice and electrical damage
- Earth Elementals - Immune to damage from any sort of attacks based on earth, rock or stone
- Fire Elementals - Immune to fire and heat damage. Suffer 1.5x damage from water.
- Water Elementals - Immune to water, cold or ice damage. Suffer 1.5x damage from fire.