Sungrass Garlic Confit Toast
Food & Drink, Common – 5 GP per serving
Savory and herbal, like butter-basted steak with an abundance of thyme and garlic. A classic of fancy taverns mixing elven ingredients with human culinary tradition.
Ingredients: One head of garlic, half a loaf of rye bread and a bundle of dried sungrass (typically found in the elven isles) yields enough to feed a typical adventuring group. Purchasing these ingredients at average market price costs 30 SP. The correct sungrass might also be found in the wild (Skill: Plant and Her Lore, Task: Find and Identify Magical Plants and Herbs) but it is up to the GM if the area being searched even has the correct sungrass, which is rare.
Effects: After eating a Sungrass Garlic Confit Toast, the immune system of a creature is bolstered for the next two hours, granting them a +10 on Normal saving throws to resist being affected by poison and disease. You can only benefit from this effect once in a 24 hour period.
Preparation Requirements: 20 minutes of cooking time and a successful Wondrous Recipe skill roll (common). If the roll is failed, the dish is still prepared but is bereft of the magical benefits. Partial success yields a +5 to Normal Saves while Near Success yields a +8.