New rules that replace Psionic Combat (under skills) on 6/11/2022.
Psionic Combat skill can be taken by any psionicist or by any character who meets the stat minimums below. It allows the character to engage in mind to mind combat with psionically aware creatures and characters.
Stat minimums for non-psionicists.
- INT of 22 or higher (WP must be 15 or higher, No CHA minimum)
- WP or 20 or higher (INT must be 15 or higher, No CHA minimum)
- CHA of 24 or higher (WP and INT must be 18 or higher)
Anyone who buys Psionic Combat skill can also purchase Psionic Energy skill and Mental Perception skill.
Psionic Combat Specialization
A psionicist can choose to double specialize in a single attack or defense form, or single specialize in either all attacks or all defenses. Specialization affects psionic strike chance (PSC) and psionic defense (PDEF).
For example, if a psionicist chooses to double specialize in Psionic Blast, their PSC for Psionic Blast they gain a bonus of 2% per rank to PSC for Psionic Blast.
Psionic Attacks
Each psionic attack uses 1 Mental Point OR the attacker can to take 2 NL damage or use 2 END. Characters without Mental Points must suffer the 2 NL damage or use 2 END.
Psionic combat is rapid, each "round" representing 5 seconds. Thus, for every normal combat round, there are two psionic combat rounds.
Psionic Combat Initiative
Psionic initiative is determined in the same manner as normal combat initiative. Initiative can be modified by INT, as indicated in the table below.
INT | Initiative |   | INT | Initiative |
5 | -4 | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | 18 | 0 |
6 | -3 | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | 19 | 0 |
7 | -3 | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | 20 | 1 |
8 | -2 | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | 21 | 2 |
9 | -2 | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | 22 | 2 |
10 | -1 | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | 23 | 3 |
11 | 0 | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | 24 | 3 |
12 | 0 | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | 25 | 4 |
13 | 0 | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | 26 | 4 |
14 | 0 | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | 27 | 5 |
15 | 0 | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | 28 | 5 |
16 | 0 | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | 29 | 6 |
17 | 0 | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | 30 | 6 |
Psionic Attack Types
Anyone with Psionic Combat skill knows all of the following psionic attack modes.
Psionic Attacks | Range | Base Chance | Damage | Advantage | Notes |
Psionic Blast | Rank x 10 feet | 0 | 2d8+1 NL | Area Effect | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
Mind Thrust | Rank x 25 feet | -5 | 2d6 NL | Armor Piercing | Target gets half PROT (round down, min 1) |
Ego Whip | Rank x 50 feet | 10 | 2d6 NL | None | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
Id Insinuation | Rank x 10 feet | 5 | 2d6 NL | Duration | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
Psychic Crush | Rank x 30 feet | 0 | 2d6 | Real Damage | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
Note that, except for Psychic Crush, all attacks cause non-lethal (NL) damage.
- Psionic Blast - The character creates a cone of effect up to 10 feet long per rank, with a terminal diameter of 5 (+ rank) feet. Everyone within the area of effect is subject to the attack. The psionicist can narrow the focus down to a narrow beam if he so desires.
- Mind Thrust - The target is hit with a focused mental blast that more easily penetrates mental protection. The target gets only half (round down, minimum of 1) normal mental protection. It can only target psionicists.
- Ego Whip - A standard mental attack. It can only target psionicists.
- Id Insinuation - This attack plants an ongoing mental disruption that persists for 1d4 rounds, automatically causing damage each round. The target's mental protection reduces the damage normally. It can only target psionicists.
- Psychic Crush - This mental attack causes real damage instead of non-lethal damage. It can be targeted at psionicists and non-psionicists alike.
Psionic Strike Chance (PSC)
- PSC is equal to Base Chance + (INT x 3) + (Rank x 5).
Psionic Damage
Damage for each type of attack is listed above. The damage is modified by both rank with the attack, and the character's WP, as indicated below. Also, just as with normal combat, the psionicist can hit extra hard by expending NL damage to increase the damage of the attack.
- Rank Bonus - +1 damage at ranks 4, 8, 13, 20 and 30
- CHA Bonus
- CHA 5: -4
- CHA 6-7: -3
- CHA 8-9: -2
- CHA 10: -1
- CHA 11-17: 0
- CHA 18-20: +1
- CHA 21-22: +2
- CHA 23-24: +3
- CHA 25: +4
- CHA 26: +5
- CHA 27: +6
- CHA 28: +7
- CHA 29: +8
- CHA 30: +9
- Hitting extra hard (can use NL/END or MP but not both)
- 1 NL/END = +1 damage
- 2 NL/END = +1d3 damage
- 3 NL/END = +1d3+1 damage
- 4 NL/END = +2d3 damage
- 1 MP = +2d3 damage
Critical and Grievous Hits
Critical hits work the same as normal attacks in that damage is doubled against all defenses except Mental Barrier. Protection is ignored except against a Mental Barrier or a Tower of Iron Will. If the target is non-psionic, the are still allowed a save, but it is made at -10.
Grievous hits do the same damage as critical hits unless the attack is a Psychic Crush, in which case there is a 30% chance of causing a grievous wound (use the puncture table for now until a separate table is created for psychic crush). If the target is non-psionic, the are still allowed a save, but it is made at -20 (assuming the 30% roll is successful, otherwise treat as a critical hit).
Number of Psionic Attacks
The number of attacks that can make each round is based on rank with Psionic Combat skill, as indicated below:
- Rank 1-5 - 1 attack per round
- Rank 6-9 - 2 attacks per round
- Rank 10-15 - 3 attacks per round
- Rank 16-24 - 4 attacks per round
- Rank 25+ - 5 attacks per round
Psionic Defenses
Psionic Defenses | Mental Protection | Mental Defense | Area of Effect | NL Cost | Advantage |
Mind Blank | 2 | (WP x 2) + 4/rank | Psionicist | None | Persistent |
Thought Shield | 3 | (WP x 2) + 3/rank | 1 Target | 1 per 3 rounds | Usable on Others |
Mental Barrier | 4 | (WP x 2) + 2/rank | Psionicist | None | Hardened |
Intellect Fortress | 5 | (WP x 2) + 2/rank | 5 + rank feet radius | 1 per round | Area Effect |
Tower of Iron Will | 7 | (WP x 2) + rank | 10 foot diameter | 2 per round | Area Effect and Hardened |
Mental Protection (MPROT)
MPROT is modified by both rank and WP
- Rank Bonus - +1 MPROT at ranks 4, 8, 13, 20 and 30
- WP Bonus
- WP 5-19: +0
- WP 20-22: +1
- WP 23-25: +2
- WP 26: +3
- WP 27: +4
- WP 28: +5
- WP 29: +6
- WP 30: +7
Mental Defense (MDEF)
MDEF is determine by the type of defense in effect. A psionicist is assumed to always have Mind Blank up as it is a persistent defense that can be maintained even while sleeping. If the psionicist is awake, he can decide whether he maintains a Mind Blank or a Mental Barrier. All other defenses tire the psionicist, as represented by a non-lethal (NL) damage cost. For example, the psionicist takes 2 points of NL damage each round to maintain a Tower of Iron Will.
A Thought Shield can be placed on another target. The psionicist determines how long he wants the Thought Shield to last and then pays the NL cost. For example, if he wants the Thought Shield to last for 9 rounds, he would take 3 points of NL damage. The MDEF of the Thought Shield is based on the WP of the psioncist and not the WP of the target.
A mental defense can be changed only at the beginning of a psionic combat round. It can be done as a free action, except when a Thought Shield is being placed on another target. That takes a full round during which the psionicist can defend but not attack or take any other action.
Psionic Attacks Against Non-Psionicists
Only Psionic Blast and Psychic Crush may be used to attack non-psionicists (those without Psionic Combat skill). The target has a base defense equal to his INT plus WP. If a hit is indicated, the target is allowed a saving throw. If successful he takes half damage.
See Psionic Combat skill
Do not use this document anymore.
Old Rules that were replaced by Psionic Combat skill (under skills)
Mental Points - Psionic combat uses Mental Points. Points gained from the Psionic Energy skill can be used as Mental Points for psionic combat but Mental Points cannot be used as Psionic Energy. The character gains 2 Mental Points per rank of their highest ranked attack. WP can modify the number of mental points as indicated below.
Mental Points |
WP | Mental Point Modifier |
5-6 | -7 |
7-8 | -5 |
9-10 | -3 |
11-12 | -1 |
13-17 | +0 |
18-19 | +1 |
20-21 | +3 |
22-23 | +5 |
24-25 | +7 |
26 | +9 |
27 | +10 |
28 | +12 |
29 | +15 |
30 | +18 |
31 | +21 |
32 | +24 |
33 | +27 |
34 | +30 |
35 | +35 |
Psionic Attacks
Psionicists can engage in Psionic combat with other Psionicists and even with non-psionic characters.
Psionic combat is extremely rapid, each "round" representing 5 seconds. Thus, for every normal combat round, there are two psionic combat rounds.
Psionic Combat Initiative
Psionic initiative is determined in the same manner as normal combat initiative. Initiative can be modified by INT, as indicated in the table below.
INT | Initiative |   | INT | Initiative |
5 | -4 | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | 18 | 0 |
6 | -3 | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | 19 | 0 |
7 | -3 | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | 20 | 1 |
8 | -2 | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | 21 | 2 |
9 | -2 | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | 22 | 2 |
10 | -1 | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | 23 | 3 |
11 | 0 | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | 24 | 3 |
12 | 0 | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | 25 | 4 |
13 | 0 | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | 26 | 4 |
14 | 0 | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | 27 | 5 |
15 | 0 | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | 28 | 5 |
16 | 0 | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | 29 | 6 |
17 | 0 | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | 30 | 6 |
Psionic Attack Types
Psionic Attacks | EXP Multiple | Range | Base Chance | Damage | Advantage | Notes |
Psionic Blast | 400 | Rank x 10 feet | 45 | 1d10+1 NL | Area Effect | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
Mind Thrust | 200 | Rank x 25 feet | 40 | 1d8 NL | Armor Piercing | Target gets half PROT (round down, min 1) |
Ego Whip | 200 | Rank x 50 feet | 55 | 1d8 NL | None | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
Id Insinuation | 225 | Rank x 10 feet | 50 | 2d4 NL | Duration | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
Psychic Crush | 300 | Rank x 30 feet | 45 | 1d8 | Real Damage | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
All Attacks | 500 | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
Note that, except for Psychic Crush, all attacks cause non-lethal (NL) damage.
- Psionic Blast - The character creates a cone of effect up to 10 feet long per rank, with a terminal diameter of 5 (+ rank) feet. Everyone within the area of effect is subject to the attack. The psionicist can narrow the focus down to a narrow beam if he so desires.
- Mind Thrust - The target is hit with a focused mental blast that more easily penetrates mental protection. The target gets only half (round down, minimum of 1) normal mental protection. It can only target psionicists.
- Ego Whip - A standard mental attack. It can only target psionicists.
- Id Insinuation - This attack plants an ongoing mental disruption that persists for 1d4 rounds, automatically causing damage each round. The target's mental protection reduces the damage normally. It can only target psionicists.
- Psychic Crush - This mental attack causes real damage instead of non-lethal damage. It can be targeted at psionicists and non-psionicists alike.
Psionic Strike Chance (PSC)
- For non-specialists, PSC is equal to Base Chance + WP + (Rank x 4).
- For single specialists, PSC is equal to Base Chance + WP + (Rank x 5).
- For double specialists, PSC is equal to Base Chance + WP + (Rank x 6).
Psionic Damage
Damage for each type of attack is listed above. The damage is modified by both rank with the attack, and the character's WP, as indicated below. Also, just as with normal combat, the psionicist can hit extra hard by expending NL damage to increase the damage of the attack.
- Rank Bonus - +1 damage at ranks 4, 8, 13, 20 and 30
- WP Bonus
- WP 5: -4
- WP 6-7: -3
- WP 8-9: -2
- WP 10: -1
- WP 11-17: 0
- WP 18-20: +1
- WP 21-22: +2
- WP 23-24: +3
- WP 25: +4
- WP 26: +5
- WP 27: +6
- WP 28: +7
- WP 29: +8
- WP 30: +9
- Hitting extra hard
- 1d2 NL damage = +1 damage
- 2d2 NL damage = +2 damage
- 3d2 NL damage = +3 damage (+4 for those whose profession is psionicist)
Number of Psionic Attacks
The number of attacks that a psionicist can make each round is based on rank, as indicated below:
- Rank 1-5 - 1 attack per round
- Rank 6-9 - 2 attacks per round
- Rank 10-15 - 3 attacks per round
- Rank 16-24 - 4 attacks per round
- Rank 25+ - 5 attacks per round
Psionic Defenses
Psionic Defenses | EXP Multiple | Mental Protection | Mental Defense | Area of Effect | NL Cost | Advantage |
Mind Blank | 200 | 2 | INT + 5/rank | Psionicist | None | Persistent |
Thought Shield | 250 | 3 | INT + 4/rank | 1 Target | 1 per 3 rounds | Usable on Others |
Mental Barrier | 250 | 4 | INT + 3/rank | Psionicist | None | Hardened |
Intellect Fortress | 300 | 5 | INT + 3/4ank | 5 + rank feet radius | 1 per round | Area Effect |
Tower of Iron Will | 400 | 7 | INT + 2/rank | 10 foot diameter | 2 per round | Area Effect and Hardened |
All Defenses | 550 | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
Mental Protection (MPROT)
MPROT is modified by both rank and INT
- Rank Bonus - +1 MPROT at ranks 4, 8, 13, 20 and 30
- INT Bonus
- INT 5-19: +0
- INT 20-22: +1
- INT 23-25: +2
- INT 26: +3
- INT 27: +4
- INT 28: +5
- INT 29: +6
- INT 30: +7
- Specialization Bonus
- Single Specialist: +1 MPROT for all psionic defenses
- Double Specialist: +1 MPROT and +1 MDEF (per rank) for all psionic defenses
Mental Defense (MDEF)
MDEF is determine by the type of defense in effect. A psionicist is assumed to always have Mind Blank up as it is a persistent defense that can be maintained even while sleeping. If the psionicist is awake, he can decide whether he maintains a Mind Blank or a Mental Barrier. All other defenses tire the psionicist, as represented by a non-lethal (NL) damage cost. For example, it costs a psionicist 1 point of NL damage each round to maintain a Tower of Iron Will.
A Thought Shield can be placed on another target. The psionicist determines how long he wants the Thought Shield to last and then pays the NL cost. For example, if he wants the Thought Shield to last for 9 rounds, he would take 3 points of NL damage. The MDEF of the Thought Shield is based on the INT of the psioncist and not the INT of the target.
A mental defense can be changed only at the beginning of a psionic combat round. It can be done as a free action, except when a Thought Shield is being placed on another target. That takes a full round during which the psionicist can defend but not attack or take any other action.
Psionic Attacks Against Non-Psionicists
Only Psionic Blast and Psychic Crush may be used to attack non-psionicists. The target has a base defense equal to his INT plus WP. If a hit is indicated, the target is allowed a mental saving throw. If successful he takes half damage. |