Rule Category:Equipment
Rule Name:Medium and Heavy Bows
Some magic bows might indicate something like +1 longbow (medium) or +2 short bow (heavy). This means that they require a higher than normal strength to draw but it also means that they do more damage.

A medium bow requires a STR of 18 or higher to draw and does +1 damage in addition to the plus of the weapon. Thus, a +1 short bow normally does 1d8+1 damage but, if it was a medium +1 short bow, it would do 1d8+2 damage.

A heavy bow requires a STR of 21 or higher to draw and does +2 damage in addition to the plus of the weapon.

Whenever a magic bow is found, the GM can either decide if it is a normal, medium or heavy bow or he can make a roll on the table below to determine.
  • 01-65 - Normal
  • 66-85 - Medium
  • 86-00 - Heavy
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