Rule Category:Legends
Rule Name:The Kingdom of Kaldor
As with many human kingdoms, the kingdom that is now Kaldor began as a result of Jarin influence from the Yrmen desert. After the Sword Wars (-2,000 BMY), the Jarin and elves established border outposts in two strategic passes. The first was built in Redmoon Pass, the only travel route through the Beadoec Range north of the desert. The second was built in Starry Pass which provided access between what is now Kaldor and the Yrmen desert. As the Symbayans of the desert became more established in civilization, they began expanding their knowledge of the world beyond the Yrmen desert. Eventually they established trade routes with those barbarians willing to barter. The barbarians profited from this venture by gaining access to weapons of bronze (and eventually steel). Wars, already common among the tribes, became deadlier with new weapons. Eventually the major tribes formed a council of tribes where disputes could be settled. The council met regularly at a central location on the banks of the Kald River. This was their first step towards real civilization. Eventually a permanent encampment was established at the location and representatives from each of the tribes, together with families and guards, took up permanent residence. The location became known as Ta’shal (literally “the diplomat” in the ancient Putarrhan tongue). This event took place in the year –1848 BMY (about 2,500 years ago).

The first real kingdom was came into being in the year –1759 when Craigor Rence of the Suwarthi (one of the more powerful tribes) used diplomacy and military power to gain dominance in the region. Over the next 1500 years, the region of Kald (as the Symbayans called it) saw the rise and fall of many leaders. The region might be united under one leader and then revert to a series of city-states and minor kingdoms as such leaders died. It wasn’t until –339 BMY that a true kingdom came into being. The Kingdom of Nyranthorm was a theocracy dedicated to the God of the Pure at Heart; Mitra Pureheart. The Priest-Kings of Nyranthorm ruled for over 300 years until the year –2 BMY when a mighty tower of black stone appeared mysteriously in Redmoon Pass opposite the white tower of Mitra. When the Priest-King arrived to combat the tower, it opened, discharging an army of Set such as never been seen. The army was led by the evil lich Pnessutt and included one of the four chosen sons of Set and three lesser sons of Set. The Priest King was slain by evil magic.

The kingdom fell into civil war that lasted for five very bloody years. When it was over, a new kingdom stood in place of the old kingdom. This new kingdom was known as Kaldor after the river that flows through the region. This new kingdom has persisted for over 600 years.
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