Player Document
Rule Category:Player Document
Rule Name:Spelljammer - Magic Item List
Mage Items
  • Ritual Components (normal) - 0
  • Ritual Components (+1) - 0
  • Ritual Components (+2) - 0
  • Healing Ingredients - 23
  • Pearls - 10

Personal Magic Items
  • Helm of Scouting (Spelljammer gift)
  • Spider Boots of Stealth
  • +2 Dagger (x2) - Spelljammer gift
    • Cause Serious Wounds (2/day)
  • Dagger of Accuracy
  • +3 Leather Armor
  • Wand of Sorcery
  • Weather Cloak
Rings (2)
  • Ring of Varex (25/25)
  • +2 Ring of Defense
Talisman Wand
  1. Hold Person
  2. All Sense
  • Potion of Agility
  • Potion of Healing
Group Magic Items
  • Telescope
  • Amber Key of Spelljammer
Martin Vane

Personal Magic Items
  • +2 Longsword (Spelljammer gift)
    • Dimension Door (2/day, MA x 10 feet)
  • Shovel of Fast Digging
  • +2 Mace
  • +2 Chain Mail
  • +5 Shield (LR)
  • +1 Helm of Protection
  • Talisman Wand
    1. Wizard Eye
Rings (2)
  • Ring of Courage (Spelljammer gift)
  • Potion of Healing
  • Potion of Strength
Group Magic Items
Morty Crystaltouched

Personal Magic Items
  • Mage Tech Pistol
  • Crossbow of Speed
    • +1 Bolts (15)
    • Silver Bolts (5)
  • +10 Shield (SR) (Spelljammer gift)
  • Star Shield
  • Bracers of Protection (PROT 5)
  • Necklace of Adaption (Shaarilla)
  • Tool Satchel and Bag of Holding (Spelljammer gift)
  • Necklace of Missiles (1 @ 5d6 and 2 @ 3d6)
  • Talisman Wand
    1. Shadow Magic
Rings (2)
  • +1 Ring of Protection (Spelljammer gift)
  • Ring of Fantastic Feats
  • Potion of Variability
Group Magic Items
  • Cube of Frost Resistance
Pellanistra Xarann

Personal Magic Items
  • +2 Battle Gi
  • +1 Mace
  • +1 Flame Tongue (Longsword)
  • Longbow of Power
    • +1 Arrows (10)
    • Silver Arrows (10)
    • Ballista Arrows (3)
    • Arrows of Splitting (2)
  • Monkey Bracers
  • +1 Psionic Battle Charm
  • Weather Cloak
Rings (2)
  • +3 Ring of Protection (Spelljammer gift)
  • Ring of Anti-Magic
  • Potion of Strength
  • Potion of Healing
  • Potion of Flying
Group Magic Items
  • Covenant Chest
Randle Hewlet

Personal Magic Items
  • Bracer of Protection (PROT 5)
  • +2 Dagger
  • Cloak of Useful Items
Rings (3)
  • Potion of Healing
Group Magic Items

Personal Magic Items
  • Brace of Weapons (Spelljammer gift)
    1. +2 Short bow
    2. Quiver of 20 arrows
    3. Quiver of 20 silver arrows
    4. +1 Quarterstaff
    5. Quiver of 20 magic arrows
      1. +1 Arrows of Penetration (x10)
      2. +1 Arrows of Crushing (x10)
  • Spell Wand (7 spell points)
  • Wand of Lightning (X charges)
  • Ioun Stones (Spelljammer gift)
    • Subsist without air
    • Fire Resistance
  • Wand of the Tunnel Worm (23 charges)
  • Wand of Magic Missiles (31 charges)
  • Talisman Wand
    1. Lightning Bolt
Rings (4/3)
  • Ring of Armor and Shield (Spelljammer gift)
Group Magic Items
  • Silver Key of Spelljammer
  • Mordenkainen's Wondrous Wand
  • Wand of Life
Syllivarrna Obanghall

Personal Magic Items
  • +2 Reinforced Leather Armor
  • +2 Broadsword (Spelljammer gift)
  • +3 Hand Crossbow (Spelljammer gift)
    • +1 Bolts (20)
    • +2 Bolts (10)
    • Silver Bolts (5)
  • +1 Mace
  • +5 Shield (SR)
  • Vial of Holy Water (x2)
  • +1 Luckstone
  • Talisman Wand
    1. Wall of Darkness
Rings (3/2)
  • Ring of Shooting Stars
  • Potion of Healing
  • Potion of Heroism
  • Oil of Enchantment
  • Scroll of Star Life
Group Magic Items
  • Clockwork Pigeon
Tyra Stellastrom

Personal Magic Items
  • +2 Chain Mail
  • Psionic Helm (Spelljammer gift)
    • Mental Blast (1/day, 150 feet, 6d8 damage)
  • +10 Shield (Kite)
  • Giant Basher
  • Vial of Holy Water
  • Wings of Flying
  • Brace of Throwing Weapons
    • +3 War Hammer
    • +2 War Hammer
    • +1 Hand Axe
    • +1 Short Bow (heavy)
    • +2 Arrow (x10)
  • +1 Arrow (x20)
Rings (2)
  • Ring of Medicine (Spelljammer gift)
  • Potion of Healing
  • Potion of Attunement (+15)
Group Magic Items
  • Pendant of Healing
In the Covenant Chest

Magic Items
  • Alchemy Jug (Shaarilla attuned)
Mundane Items
  • Nothing yet
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