The following are the grievous injury tables. Note that if an attack roll indicates a grievous injury, a roll on the table is not automatic. The GM will make an additional roll to determine if the attack really does cause a grievous wound (see chances below). Regardless of whether the attack results in a grievous injury, the attack causes double damage and the target gets no protection.
Note that many of the injuries indicate that they must be healed by a specific level of clerical healing spell. For this purpose, a Potion of Healing is the equivalent of a Cure Serious Wounds and a Potion of Extra Healing is the equivalent of a Cure Critical Wounds. The healing effect of a Staff of Healing is also the equivalent of a Cure Critical Wounds.
A clerical Healing Specialist can use lesser spells to heal grievous wounds. A Cure Light Wounds, administered by a rank 7 healing specialist works as a Cure Serious Wounds for the purpose of healing grievous wounds. Similarly, a Cure Serious Wounds, administered by a rank 9 healing specialist works as a Cure Critical Wounds. A Cure Critical Wounds, administered by a rank 11 healing specialist works as a Heal spell for the purpose of healing grievous wounds.
HP = Hit points
CLW = Cure Light Wounds spell
CSW = Cure Serious Wounds spell
CCW = Cure Critical Wounds spell
Puncture Table (Class A Weapons) - 20% chance of Grievous Injury |
01-05 | Congratulations! It's a bleeder in your primary arm! Take 1 HP of damage immediately and 1 per round thereafter until the flow is staunched. |
06-07 | Oh no! Your opponent's weapon has entered your secondary arms elbow joint and the tip has broken off. Take 2 HP of damage and that arm is useless until the sliver has been removed with a successful First Aid roll (or 2d6 damage if removed by someone without First Aid skill). |
08 | A vicious puncture wound in your groin! Take 3 HP and reduce your TMR by 4 until fully recovered, which will take 1 month or until healed with a CSW. |
09-10 | You have been stabbed in your secondary arm. Drop whatever your holding in it and take 2 points of damage. It will take a full week, or a CSW, for the arm to be of any use to you whatsoever. |
11-15 | A stomach puncture. Nasty. You suffer 3 HP of damage and lose 4 from your TMR until recovered, which will take about 1 month. Also, you are automatically stunned for 1 round. |
16-18 | Your opponent's weapon has entered your eye; roll D10. On a roll of 1, the weapon has entered your brain and you are dead. On a roll of 2-5, your left eye is blinded; on a roll of 6-10 your right eye is blinded. If you are lucky enough to be blinded instead of killed, you have suffered 2 HP damage. In addition, a figure who is blind in one eye suffers the following subtractions: -6 Perception; -1 Dexterity. A figure who is blind in one eye reduces his strike chance with a missile weapon by 30. |
19-23 | Tsk. Tsk. A wound of the solid viscera. Usually Fatal. Take 3 HP and 1 per round thereafter until the bleeding is stopped. |
24-26 | Take a stab in the leg (D6. 1-3 left, 4-6 right) resulting in a deep puncture of the thigh muscle. Suffer 1 HP immediately and reduce tour TMR by 10 until healed, about 3 weeks or with a CSW. |
26-30 | Minor chest wound. Foe takes 2 HP +1 per round. Foe must parry for the next 2 rounds. |
31-35 | Minor Side wound. Foe fights at -10%. You have Initiative next round. |
36-40 | Strike lower leg. Tear tendons, foe is at -25% and stunned for 2 rounds. |
41-60 | Good hit! Plus 2d6 damage. |
61-65 | Side hit Rips Armor. Armor PROT reduced by 1d3 but sadly no damage to its wearer. |
66 | Your aorta is severed and you are quite dead. Rest assured your companions will do their best to console your widow(er). (If a PC, they drop to -10 HP and lose 2 HP per round.) |
67-71 | Chest wound. Foe takes 3 HP per round blood loss. Stunned and unable to parry next round. |
72-80 | Strike in foes back. Foe is at -20% and bleeds 2 HP per round. He is also Stunned and unable to parry for 2 rounds. |
81-86 | Strike Breaks foes Knee. Foe falls prone and is unable to stand. Although he may parry at -20. |
87-99 | Good Shot does triple damage and no Prot (instead of double damage). |
100 | Shot through both ears proves effective. Foe dies instantly. At +20 to your next 1d6 attacks. (For PC, immediate drop to -15 HP and losing 3 per round until dead.) |
Slash Table (Class B Weapons) - 60% chance of Grievous Injury |
01-10 | Chest Wound. Take 2 HP immediately and reduce your TMR by 10 until healed (About 2 months or with CSW). Look on the bright side though. Your attacker's weapon is caught in your ribcage and has been wrenched from his grasp. Reduce your DEX by 10 and all activities are at -75, Until the weapon is removed with a difficult (-20) First Aid roll. Removal without using First Aid causes an additional 3d6 damage. |
11-13 | Bad Luck! Your Secondary hand has been severed at the wrist. Take 2 HP damage and 1 per round thereafter until you are dead or the bleeding is staunched. Your Dexterity is reduced by 40%. Hand can be reattached with a CSW if done within 1 hour, or a CCW if done within 48 hours. |
14-16 | Worse luck! Your primary hand has been severed. See result 11-13 for effects. except DEX Is reduced by 60%. |
17-23 | A minor wound. Your face is slashed open ruining your boyish good looks and causing blood to spurt into your eyes. Lose 1 round wiping the blood out of your eyes. Will result in a permanent scar if a CLW is not used within 24 hours. |
24 | Your secondary arm is sliced off at the shoulder. Take 5 HP and 2 per round until you are dead or the bleeding is stopped. Reduce your DEX by 40%. |
25 | Same as 24 except its your primary arm that’s been lopped off. |
26-30 | You have been eviscerated! Take 2d6 HP and 1 per round. |
31-33 | A glancing blow lays open your scalp and severs an ear. Take 2d4 HP damage. Reduce your perception by 2. |
34 | A savage slash rips open your cheek and jaw. Stunned for the rest of this round and all of the next round due to the shock of the blow. |
35-44 | A slash along one arm, and it's a bleeder! Take 2d3 HP damage and 1 HP per round until the bleeding is stopped. |
45-53 | Hamstrung! Roll D10. On a roll of 1-4 its your left leg, on a roll of 5-10 its your right leg. Take 2d6 Damage and fall prone. You may not stand unassisted until the wound is healed. Reduce your DEX by 3 unless healed with a CCW within 1 hour. Otherwise a Heal spell will be needed. |
54-61 | Your primary arm is crippled by a wicked slash! Take 2d6 damage and drop anything in your hand. The arm is unusable until healed with a CSW. |
62-65 | Your secondary arm is crippled; see 54-61 for details. |
66 | Stab opponent in the heart. He dies immediately. (For PC, he drops to -10 HP immediately and loses 2 per round.) |
67-70 | A nasty slash in the region of the shoulder. Roll a D10 for which shoulder is crushed 1-5 left, 6-10 right. the results are identical to 54-61, except you take 3d6 damage. |
71-75 | Slash foes neck. Take 2d6 damage and foe is stunned and unable to parry for 2 rounds. |
76-79 | Slash muscle and tendons in foes calf. Foe is stunned for 3 rounds and cannot parry next round all maneuvers are at -40 until healed. |
80-85 | Break foes knee and he falls prone. Cannot get up and unable to parry for 3 rounds. -2 DEX until healed with a CSW. |
86-90 | Hit foe in head! If wearing a helm takes 2d6 damage. If no helm also knocked unconscious for 1d6 hours. |
91-95 | Slash foes lower leg and sever tendons and muscles. Take 2d6 damage and Foe at -70 in all actions and takes 3 HP per round. |
96-99 | Sever foes leg and take 4d6 damage. Foe drops and lapses into unconsciousness. Takes 3+1d4 damage per round (roll 1d4 once and use result every round). At 10% to your next swing. |
100 | Awesome blow Decapitates foe he dies instantly. Add 15% to all actions for the next 2d4 rounds. |
Crush Table (Class C Weapons) - 30% chance of Grievous Injury |
01-05 | A crushing blow smashes your helmet and causes a concussion. Take 2d4 damage (doubled if no helm) and suffer a reduction of 4 in DEX lasting for 3 days or until a CSW is cast. |
06-11 | A massive chest wound accompanied by broken ribs and crushed tissues. Very Ugly, this. Take 6d6 damage and reduce your DEX by 3 until healed (about 10 weeks or until a CCW is used). |
12-15 | A crushing blow smashes tissue and produces internal injuries. You suffer 2d6 damage and 1 per round thereafter. |
16-19 | A jarring blow to your primary shoulder inflicts 1d6 damage. Roll a D10; the result is the number of rounds the arm is useless. You immediately drop anything held in that hand. A CLW can restore the arm sooner. |
20-23 | Similar to 16-19 except it's your secondary shoulder. |
24-27 | Your right hip is smashed horribly. Take 6d6 damage and fall prone. You will be unable to walk until the damage is healed (3 months or until a CCW is used). Good Fun! |
28-33 | The same as 24-29 except its your left hip that’s smashed. |
34-38 | Shatter shoulder in foes shield arm, arm is quite useless. Foe is stunned and unable to parry for 2 rounds. Foe takes 2d6 damage. |
39-43 | same as 34-38 except its foes primary arm. |
44-50 | Strike to upper chest take 2d6 damage and foe is stunned for 3 rounds and unable to parry for the first. |
51-56 | Blow to foes shield arm. If foe has shield it is destroyed if no shield arm is broken and foe takes damage similar to 34-38. |
57-65 | Blow to Foes back he takes 2d6 damage and must parry next round. |
66 | Knockout blow to the head. If no helm, 6d6 damage and target knocked unconscious. If target has helm, 4d6 damage and stuned and unable to parry for 4 rounds. |
67-83 | Good blow. As normal critical except triple damage instead of double. |
84-88 | Strike foes thigh and takes 2d4 damage. Foe is forced to parry next round at -25. Glancing Blow. |
89-93 | Break Foes nose. Foe is stunned and unable to parry for 2 rounds, takes 4d6 damage and fights at -30 for 2 days or until CSW used. |
94-96 | Upper head hit. If foe has helm he takes 6d6 damage and is stunned for D8 +4 rounds. If foe has no helm he is also in a coma for a 1d4 weeks. |
97-99 | Blow to foes head. If he has no helm, he is dead (-10 HP and losing 2 per round). If he has a helm, he is knocked down takes 6d6 damage and is stunned for a 1d6 rounds. |
100 | Blow to foes forehead he takes 10d6 damage. You squash foe's eyes and destroy them (requires Heal spell to heal). If you survive you are stunned and unable to parry for a 1d20+12 rounds. |
Claw/Bite Table - 25% chance of Grievous Injury |
01-05 | Poor follow-through. foe takes 2d6 damage but attacker looses a claw/tooth and fights at -5%. |
06-35 | Good Strike, as critical except triple damage instead of double. |
36-40 | WOW! What a hit! Roll damage and triple it and apply it to Fatigue. |
41-50 | Leg Strike. Foe is stunned and unable to parry for 1 round. Take 2d6 damage and 1 per round. |
51-60 | Leaping chest Strike yields 2d4 damage. |
61-65 | Bizarre wrist strike disarms foe and does 2d6 damage. Foe is stunned for 1 round. |
66 |  |
67-70 | Strike to foes shoulder foe takes 2d6 damage and 1 per round and is at -20 on next attack. |
71-75 | Lower leg strike if foe has leg armor he takes 1d4 damage. If no armor for takes 2d6 damage and 1 per round. |
76-80 | Weak, but precise strike to foes arm. Foe takes 1d6 damage and 1 per round. |
81-85 | Strike to foes face. Takes 2d6 damage and is stunned for next round and bleeds 2 HP per round. |
86-90 | Forearm strike. Muscle and tendons slashed. Foe fights at -25 until healed with CLW and takes 2 per round. |
91-93 | Upper thigh wound. Muscle torn and is at -40% on all activities for 5 days (or until healed with CSW). Foe takes 2d6 damage and 3 per round. Foe is stunned and unable to parry for 1 round. |
94-95 | Head Strike, foe is blinded by bleeding and takes 2d4 damage. Foe is stunned and unable to parry for 3 rounds. Foe is at -40 while bleeding. |
96-97 | Slashing throat attack knocks foe prone. Foe is stunned and unable to parry for 2d4 rounds, he takes 2d4 damage and 3 per round, and fights at -50 until healed with CLW. |
98-99 | Bizarre attack to foe's head area causes foe to critically strike himself. Roll a critical for the type of weapon he's using. |
100 | Unbelievable neck strike knocks foe down. Vein and artery are severed. foe takes 10 HP per round until dead. |