Blue Mountain
Rule Category:Combat
Rule Name:Hitting Extra Hard and Pumping Up
Hitting Extra Hard

Any character can try to cause extra damage in combat by exerting themselves. This exertion takes the form of non-lethal damage (see rule on Non-Lethal Damage).
  • 1d2 NL damage = +1 damage
  • 2d2 NL damage = +2 damage
  • 3d2 NL damage = +3 damage (+4 for barbarians, fighters, paladins & martial artists)

Thus, if Delana wants to add +2 to her damage, she takes 2d2 NL damage.

The player must declare their Hitting Extra Hard action before making their attack roll. The NL damage is taken regardless of whether the character hits or not.

If the attacker gets multiple attacks, they must pay the NL damage for each attack in which they use this ability.

Hitting Extra Hard is an offensive maneuver and thus, is not compatible with a defensive stance. Thus, it cannot be used together with the Defending maneuver (sacrificing SC for DEF).

Pumping Up

This same rule can be used to temporarily increase STR. For 2 NL per round, the character can temporarily increase their STR by 1 point, up to a maximum of +5 STR for 10 NL damage per round. If the character reaches racial max, then it costs 4 NL damage for +1 STR.

Example: Philyra has a STR of 24. By spending 2 NL, she can increase her STR to 25 for a round. Since 25 is her racial max, it will take another 4 NL to increase her STR to 26. If she spends 10 NL, she increases her STR to 27.

Note that a character can exert themselves for a maximum of 10 NL damage per round so the 2 maneuvers can't be combined to increase STR by 5 and damage by +3.
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