Use this table when you need to determine the exact type of given shield. This is mainly used to determine what kind of shield you may have found in a dungeon or on an adventure and is weighted towards the type of shields that are most common.
Note that these tables can be modified by the given culture and situation.
Shield | Roll |
Buckler | 01-10 |
Small Round Shield | 11-40 |
Large Round Shield | 41-80 |
Kite Shield | 81-90 |
Tower Shield | 91-00 |
Armor Size | Roll |
Halfling | 01-05 |
Dwarf | 06-15 |
Small Human | 16-40 |
Medium Human | 41-70 |
Large Human | 71-95 |
Exotic (giant, centaur, etc.) | 96-00 |