Issue Contents: |  | Actress Nicole Kidman (The Hours, Moulin Rouge, The Others, Eyes Wide Shut, Australia, Lagerfeld Confidential, Morgot at the Wedding, The Golden Compass, The Invasion, An Imaginary Portrit of Diane Arbus, Happy Feet, Bewitched, The Interpreter, Birth, Dogville, The Stepford Wives, Cold Mountain, The Human Stain, Birthday Girl, Practical Magic, The Peacmaker, The Portait of a Lady, Batman Forever, To Die For, Malice, My Life, Far Away, Flirting, Billy Bathgate, Days of Thunder, Dead Calm, Emerald City, Night Master, Watch the Shadows Dance, Room to Move, Windrider, The Bit Part, The Wills and Burke, BMX Bandits, Bush Christmas, Prince and the Great Race, Archer's Adventure ), Uma Thurman, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Patricia Arquette, Linda Fiorentino, Gwyneth Paltrow, Sarah Jessica Parker, Julianne Moore, Angela Bassett, Sandra Bullock all on the 3 page fold out cover. 40 page feature on Hollywood: The Power and Glamour with full page pictures of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts, Robin Williams, George Burns, Brad Pitt, Michael Douglas, Kirk Douglas, Harrison Ford, Denzel Washington, Dennis Hopper, Christopher Walken, Clint Eastwood, Michelle Pfeiffer, Jack Nicholson, Johnny Depp, and more!! Article on photographer Cecil Beaton who photographed stars like Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn, he worked for Vanity Fair and Harper's Bazar, includes 3 pictures. 6 page article on Jackie Collins. Also a 15 page autobiography on Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., and Shirley MacLaine, with tons of pictures. Bio and full page picture of Famke Janssen, star in the newest Bond movie Goldeneye. Also a bio on star of Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Matthew Broderick. 2 page picture of the cast of Apollo 13, Tom Hanks, Kevin Bacon and Bill Paxton, along with director Ron Howard. Q&A with Doris Day.
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