Month & Year of Issue:
November, 2009
Cover Model(s):
January Jones
Magazine Condition:
Brand New, Never Read, Store Bought, No Mailing Label Ever
Issue Contents:
6 pages on actress January Jones (Mad Men) with 3 photos (2 full page), 10 photos (6 full page) of actor Taylor Lautner (Twilight) , 5 pages on actor Zach Galifianakis (The Hangover) with 2 full page photos, 6 pages on singer Jerry Lee Lewis with 3 photos (1 full page), 4 full page photos of Joel McHale, 12 page feature 444 Days in the Dark an oral history of the Iran Hostage Crisis in 1979 with photos, 2 pages on actor Tracy Morgan (30 Rock) with 2 photos, 1 full page photo of Adrian Grenier, 9 pages feature on the 16 year-old Paparazzo austin Visschedyk with photos, 7 pages on the 50 most powerful people in D.C., 4 pages on President Barack Obama with 2 photos, 3 pages the critics on all of the vampire movies and tv shows, 1 full page photo of actor Mark Wahlberg, 1 full page photo of actor Ashton Kutcher, 1 full page photo of David Beckham, 1 full page photo of Tom Brady, 1 full page photo of Danica Patrick, 1 full page photo of singer Justin Timberlake, 1 full page photo of Derek Jeter, and more!

GQ, November 2009
Price: 14.5
Shipping: $4.99
