Month & Year of Issue:
July, 2009
Cover Model(s):
Sandra Bullock
Magazine Condition:
Brand New, Never Read, Store Bought, No Mailing Label Ever
Issue Contents:
5 pages on actress Sandra Bullock (While You were Sleeping, The Proposal), 8 full page photos of models Theodora Richards and Alexandra Richards, 10 full page photos of model Emily, 4 pages how to reach any body goal with tips by The Biggest Losser's Jillian Michaels, 1 full page photo of actress Jessica Alba in a Revlon ad, 1 double page photo of actress Jennifer Aniston in a Smart Water ad, 2 pages on the best bra for your body, 1 page dos and don'ts of snacking, 1 page of 9 things he wishes you'd do on a date, 6 pages on mail-order brides, 1 page on the women that are part of the pirate hunters, 1 full page photo of actress Kyra Sedgwick in The Closer ad, and more!

Glamour, July 2009
Price: 13.99
Shipping: $4.99
