Issue Contents: |  | 12 page feature on actor Johnny Depp (Pirates of the Caribbean, Public Enemies) with 9 photos 4 full page, 9 pages on the question did Bernie Madoff's sons (Andrew Madoff and Mark Madoff) know? with 6 photos, 1 double page photo of girl surfers of the U.S. Open of Surfing with Sierra Partridge, Sofia Mulanovich, Leila Hurst, Alana Blanchard, Malia Manuel, Sally Fitzgibbons, Coco Ho, Laura Enever, Sage Erickson, Quincy Davis, Courtney Conlogue, and Hailey Partridge, 10 page feature on Allen Stanford, 11 page feature on Miss Porter's school for girls, 11 page feature on the real-estate of the Hamptons and it's stress test, 13 page feature on Nancy Reagan going solo with 15 photos, 4 page feature on Greece's new Acropolis Museum, 3 pages on Obama and White House press secretary Robert Gibbs, 1 page on actor Alden Ehrenreich (Tetro) with full page photo, 1 page on Eliot Spitzer, 1 full page photo of writer Paul Haggis with actor Josh Brolin and 1 full page photo of HBO's True Blood ad, 1 full page photo of Eva Longoria in a L'oreal ad, 1 double page photo of J.F.K. in a Omega ad, 1 double page photo of actress Jennifer Connelly in a Revlon ad, and more!
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