Italian Vanity Fair
Month & Year of Issue:
August, 2009
Cover Model(s):
Jennifer Lopez
Magazine Condition:
Brand New, Never Read, Store Bought, No Mailing Label Ever
Issue Contents:
7 pages on actress/singer Jennifer Lopez with 6 photos (2 double page, 2 full page), 2 pages of Eva Mendes with 9 photos, 1 page on actor Owen Wilson 7 photos, 5 pages on actor/model Channing Tatum with 8 photos (1 double page, 2 full page), 1 full page photo of actress Jessica Alba, 7 pages on Alyson Le Borges with 5 photos (1 double page, 3 full page), 3 pages on Cristina Scabbia with 4 photos, 1 page on actress Michele Phfeiffer with full page photo, 1 page on Maya Gabeira with full page photo, 1 page o Mart'nalia with full page photo, 1 page on Daniel Filho with full page photo, 1 page on Claudia Ohana with full page photo, 1 page on jRodrigo Lombardi with full page photo, 1 page on Lenny Miemeyer with full page photo, 1 page on Cleo Pires with full page photo, 1 page on Vik Muniz with full page photo, 6 pages on Odette Yustman with 5 photos (1 double page, 3 full page), 1 full page photo of model Lily Donaldson, and much more!

Italian Vanity Fair, August 2009
Price: 13.95
Shipping: $4.99
