Town & Country
Month & Year of Issue:
July, 2009
Cover Model(s):
Angie Harmon
Magazine Condition:
Brand New, Never Read, Store Bought, No Mailing Label Ever
Issue Contents:
10 pages on actress Angie Harmon (Law & Order) with 6 photos (1 double page photo, 5 full page), 6 page feature on how the people you trust the most with hurt you the most, 12 page feature and photos of Munich, 12 page feature and photos of Yellowstone park, 1 full page photo of the Obama family and dog bo, 1 full page photo of Alexandra Wilkis Wilson, 1full page photo of actress Sharon Stone in a Damiani ad, 2 pages on the well trained dog parent, and more!

Town & Country, July 2009
Price: 14.5
Shipping: $4.99
