Month & Year of Issue:
January, 2004
Cover Model(s):
Julia Roberts, Julia Stiles
Magazine Condition:
Brand New, Never Read, Store Bought, No Mailing Label Ever
Issue Contents:
4 page article about the move Mona Lisa Smile starrig Julia Roberts, Julia Stiles, Laura Allen, Catherine Malandrino with 1 double page picture and 4 pictures rom the movie. The top 5 all-time most requested haircuts, Liv Tyler, Jodie Foster, Christina Applegate, Halle Berry, and Jennifer Aniston. 4 page article on how to get eye brows that are perfect. 5 page article about how pretty isn't pretty enough anymore, including pictures of Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe and what plastic surgery they would have done today.

Glamour, January 2004
Price: 13.99
Shipping: $4.99
