Premiere Special | |
Prevention |  |
Prevue | |
Pro Football Weekly |  |
Professional Photography | |
Progress International |  |
Psychologies | |
Psychology Today |  |
Queens of Pop | |
Racer |  |
Radar | |
Radio & Records |  |
Ramp | |
Ranch & Coast |  |
Rap-Up | |
Ratrod |  |
Razor | |
Reader's Digest |  |
Real Simple | |
Reality |  |
Realms Of Fantasy | |
Rebel Ink |  |
Rebel Pink | |
Rebel Rodz |  |
Redbook | |
Regal Cinema Art Film Guide |  |
Relevant | |
Remind |  |
Renew | |
Revolver |  |
Rhapsody | |
Riviera |  |
Rod & Kulture | |
Rodale Men's Special |  |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | Rodale Men's Special Magazine | | | | | | | April | 2009 | | | | | | | Dominic Purcell |  |
Rollacoaster |  |
Rolling Stone | |
Rolling Stone Special |  |
Rolling Stone Special 500 Greatest Songs of All Time | |
Rolling Stone Special Collector's Edition |  |
Rolling Stone Special Commemorative Michael Jackson | |
Rolling Stone Special Issue |  |
Rose Preview | |
Royal Flush |  |
Runner's World | |
Running Times |  |
Runway Magazine | |
Russian Bazaar |  |
Russian Cosmopolitan | |
Russian Elle |  |
Russian FHM | |
Russian Glamour |  |
Russian GQ | |
Russian Harpers Bazaar |  |
Russian Marie Claire | |
Russian Maxim |  |
Russian Vogue | |
Russian Vogue Supplement |  |
Saga of Fireand Ice | |
Salon City |  |
Salt Lake | |
Sam |  |
San Diego | |
San Francisco |  |
San Francisco 7x7 | |
San Gabriel Valley Family |  |
San Jose Magazine | |
Santa Barbara |  |
Santa Fean | |
Satellite Direct |  |
Satellite Orbit | |
Saturday Night |  |
Savoy | |
Savvy |  |
Scene | |
Schwing! |  |
Sci-Fi | |
Sciene of Looking Younger |  |
Scottsdale Health | |
Scottsdale Life |  |
Scottsdale Living | |
Scottsdale Magazine |  |
Script | |
Scuba Diving |  |
Sedona Monthly | |
Select |  |
Selecta | |
Self |  |
Self Beach Body Made Easy | |
Self Defense for Women |  |
Selling Power | |
Senior Living |  |
Serenity Comic | |
SET |  |
Seventeen | |
Seventeen Fitness |  |
Seventeen Prom | |
Sewing Today |  |
Sfx | |
Sfx - The Sexiest Sci-Fi |  |