Month & Year of Issue:
September, 1999
Cover Model(s):
Michelle Pfeiffer
Magazine Condition:
Brand New, Never Read, Store Bought, No Mailing Label Ever
Issue Contents:
Egomania '00 The ugly truth about Disney vs. Katzenberg.
Ben Affleck, Tom Cruise, Twyneth Paltrow, Nicolas Cage, Cameron Diaz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jodie Foster, Jim Carrey, Meg Ryan, Christina Ricci
Steve McQueen: The scandalous life of the movies' coolest rebel.
Don't shoot! The violent movies that scare Hollywood to death.
Total guide to the new season: Tom Cruise, Gwyenth Paltrow, Anglina Joie and more.


Premiere, September 1999
Price: 13.5
Shipping: $4.99
