Month & Year of Issue:
July, 2009
Cover Model(s):
Michael Jackson
Magazine Condition:
Brand New, Never Read, Store Bought, No Mailing Label Ever
Issue Contents:
8 page feature on singer Michael Jackson with 17 photos (2 full page) also showing The Jackson 5, Brooke Shields, tour shots, Lisa Marie Presley, and one page by Quincy Jones remembering Michael, 1 full page photo of Michael Jackson famous white glove from the Pepsi ad, 1 full page photo of a artwork by Jeff Koons of Michael Jackson and Bubbles 1988, 1 full page photo of actress Farrah Fawcett, 1 full page photo of Jenny Sanford, 1 full page photo of actress Christina Applegate in a Lee ad, and more!

Newsweek, July 2009
Price: 16.95
Shipping: $4.99
