Month & Year of Issue:
April, 2003
Cover Model(s):
Anna Paquin, Patrick Stewart
Magazine Condition:
Brand New, Never Read, Store Bought, No Mailing Label Ever
Issue Contents:
10 pages on X-Men 2 with 22 photos (1 double page),
6 pages on actor James Marsters with 9 photos (2 full page),
4 pages on Farscape with 7 photos (1 double page, 2 full page),
2 pages on the review of Tomb Raider 2 starring Angelina Jolie with 5 photos,
1 page with 4 photos of Matrix,
2 pages on Children of Dune with 6 photos,
1 page on The Core starring Aaron Eckhart with 3 photos,
1 page with 5 photos from the new Angel episode,
1 page on Star Trek Enterprise with 4 photos,
2 pages on actor David Ogden Stiers (M*A*S*H) with full page photo,
2 pages on actress Allison Mack (Smallville) with full page photo,
2 pages on writer Andy Secombe (Author, Watto, Son Of Goon) with full page photo,
and more!


UK SFX, April 2003
Price: 17.5
Shipping: $4.99
