Entertainment Weekly
Month & Year of Issue:
July, 2008
Cover Model(s):
Daniel Radcliffe, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Will Smith, Johnny Depp, Jennifer Aniston, Beyonce Knowles, Bono
Magazine Condition:
Brand New, Never Read, Store Bought, No Mailing Label Ever
Issue Contents:
Special Double Issue 1000th Issue! The New Classics! The 1000 Best Movies, TV Shows, Albums, Books & More of the Last 25 Years! Sarah Michelle Gellar from Buffy, Bono from U2, Beyonce Knowles, Will Smith, Jennifer Aniston from Friends, Daniel Radcliffe from Harry Potter, Johnny Depp from Edward Scissorhands and Pirates of the Carribean, Jodie Foster, Viggo Mortensen, Samuel L Jackson, Nicole Kidman, Alicia Keys, Lisa Kudrow, Will Arnett of Arrested Development, Pulp Fiction, The Simpsons, Stephen King, Madonna,Paul McCartney and so much more!

Entertainment Weekly, July 2008
Price: 13.95
Shipping: $4.99
