Month & Year of Issue:
October, 2009
Cover Model(s):
Olivia Wilde
Magazine Condition:
Brand New, Never Read, Store Bought, No Mailing Label Ever
Issue Contents:
8 pages on actress Olivia Wilde with 4 photos (1 double page, 3 full page), 7 page feature on football players and what the game is doing to the players brains, 6 page feature on ex-president Bush speechwriter Matt Latimer with 3 photos, 4 pages on the youngest man in congress Aaron Schock with 4 photos (3 full page), 5 pages on Spike Joneze with 2 photos, 4 pages on British musician Mr. Hudson with 4 photos (3 full page), 3 pages on actor Matt Damon and his new movie The Informant with photo, 3 pages on movie makers The Coen Brothers with 2 photos, 5 pages on singer Gregg Gillis aka Girl Talk with 5 photos, 1 page on the Bill Clinton tapes with photo, 1 full page photo of actor Ashton Kutcher, 1 full page photo of singer Justin Timberlake, 1 full page photo of golf pro Camilo Villegas, 1 full page photo of actor Adrian Grenier, 4 full page photos of New York Ranger Henrik Lundqvist, 1 full page photo of A-Rod, 1 full page photo of model Heidi Klum, and more!

GQ, October 2009
Price: 13.99
Shipping: $4.99
