La Health News
Month & Year of Issue:
January, 2010
Cover Model(s):
Katherine Boecher
Magazine Condition:
Brand New, Never Read, Store Bought, No Mailing Label Ever
Issue Contents:
1 page article on the top 10 fitness trends for 2010,
1 age article on the positive effects of green tea,
1 page article on Archer Pilates and wellness,
2 page article on advice on maintaining your New Year's Resolution,
1 page article on mixing Botox and tanning beds,
1 page article on the new solution for your new year's weight loss resolution,
1 page article on finding your corporate voice,
1 page article on cover model Katerine Boecher (The Spy Next Door, Supernatural), and her exercise and gluten free diet regimens!<
1 page article on the plastics chemical phthalate which may shorten pregnancy to pregnant women exposed to the chemical,
and much more!!!


La Health News, January 2010
Price: 10.01
Shipping: $4.99
