Month & Year of Issue:
June, 2009
Cover Model(s):
Christian Bale
Magazine Condition:
Brand New, Never Read, Store Bought, No Mailing Label Ever
Issue Contents:
7 pages on actor Christian Bale (Terminator Salvation, The Dark Knight) 3 photos (2 full page), 8 pages on the best Pizza on earth, 5 full page photos of actor Chris Pine (Star Trek), 4 pages with 3 photos (1 double page 2 full page) of actress Olivia Wilde (Year One, The O.C., House), 7 page feature on journalist/broadcaster Larry King, 8 pages of USC's quarterback Mark Sanchez and supermodel Hilary Rhoda with 7 photos (1 double page, 5 full page), 9 page feature on Eastern Tennessee and the environmental disaster that buried a town in poisonous sludge along with the myth of clean coal, 1 full page photo of football player Tom Brady in a Movado ad, 2 pages on the new movie The Hangover starring Zach Galifianakis, Bradley Cooper, and Ed Helms, 6 page feature on Donald Rumsfeld, 2 pages on rapper Wale with 2 full page photos, 4 pages of the man's guide to calories, 5 page feature on Texas billionaire Allen Stanford and the most brazen swindle of all, and more!

GQ, June 2009
Price: 13.99
Shipping: $4.99
