Los Angeles
Month & Year of Issue:
October, 2009
Cover Model(s):
Home Grown
Magazine Condition:
Brand New, Never Read, Store Bought, No Mailing Label Ever
Issue Contents:
11 pages on the home grown edible garden with photos and how to make your oun garden too,
3 pages how Myspace is losing it's cool to Facebook,
4 pages on Californias earthquakes how safe is your town?,
5 pages on singer/actor Kris Kristofferson with 7 photos (1 full page),
6 pages on child beauty pageants with photos,
1 page on roller-derby doll Rachel Piplica aka Iron Maiven with photo,
plus San Diego and Las Vegas getaway guides, and more!


Los Angeles, October 2009
Price: 14.95
Shipping: $4.99
