Month & Year of Issue:
May, 2006
Cover Model(s):
Pamela Anderson
Magazine Condition:
Brand New, Never Read, Store Bought, No Mailing Label Ever
Issue Contents:
6 pages on actress Pamela Anderson ( Baywatch) with 4 full page photos, 4 pages on movie maker Brett Ratner (X-Men) with 5 photos, 4 pages on Edward Brown with 3 photos, 7 photos (3 double page, 4 full page) of model Maya Brown, 1 full page photo of Sheila Joy, Anna O'Keefe and Carolyn Pace, 1 page on actress Jenny McCarthy with photo, 2 pages on actress Tori Spelling with 4 photos, 1 page on Queer Eye for the Streight Guy cast with photo, 1 page on Anna Marshall with photo, 1 page on Paul Murad with photo, 1 page on Pamela Jenkins with photo, 1 page on Apollo Sebastian with photo, and more!

Vegas, May 2006
Price: 14.99
Shipping: $4.99
