Men's Health
Month & Year of Issue:
October, 2009
Cover Model(s):
Barack Obama
Magazine Condition:
Brand New, Never Read, Store Bought, No Mailing Label Ever
Issue Contents:
9 page feature on President Obama's heath plan, 7 pages feature on everything you know about muscle is wrong, 6 pages on Dr. Oz's 25 health tips to swear by, 1 page 8 lessons all dads should teach, 1 page on Olympic Fencer Jason Rogers with full page photo, 3 pages how to break your bad habits, 4 pages how to have a perfect day of eating, 1 full page photo of actor Kevin Bacon, 4 pages can you catch alzheimers, 1 double page photo of actress Briana Evigan, 1 full page photo of Derek Jeter, 4 pages on chef John Besh, 1 double page photo of actress Eva Mendes and Jamie Dornan, 1 full page photo of David Beckham, 1 full page photo of Justin Timberlake, back cover of Tommy Dunn, plus great workouts!

Men's Health, October 2009
Price: 14.99
Shipping: $4.99
